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Game Rules

Here are the league rules for NVSFFL


6 players on the field at a time.

The field is 80 yards long with 10-yard end zones.

4 downs to get to the next marker.

In overtime, both teams get an equal amount of offensive series. They can either go for a one or two-point conversion.


The game consists of two halves of 27 minutes and two time-outs. - At the 25 mark of each half, the refs will call 2 minutes to 5 plays.

2 timeouts per team per half. The game clock stops for time-outs.



 6 pts per touchdown

Conversions: 2 pts from the 10-yard line: 1 pt from the 5-yard line. Defensive teams can return the conversions for an equal amount of conversion points if they can score on the offensive team on a returned conversion.

Overtime- 1 play from the 5 or 10-yard line for a 1-point or 2-point conversion- both teams get equal chances until there is a winner.



1. All kick-offs are from the 30-yard line.

2. Punting/Kick off team must allow the return team the opportunity to catch the ball.

3. If a kickoff goes out of bounds the returning team has the option of taking the ball from where it was kicked out of bounds or for the kicker team to move back 5 yards and re-kick.

A football kicked or punted through the end zone is placed at the return team’s 20-yard line.

4. If teams declare they are going to punt, the defensive team cannot rush. The kicking team cannot go downfield on a declared punt until the ball has been kicked. If a team doesn't declare, they still have the option to punt and the defensive team can rush. If the declared punt team gets rushed, there is a 5-yard penalty on defence and repeat down.



1. Rusher has to start 5 yards from the line of scrimmage, ref places the bag 5 yards from the line of scrimmage. Rusher has to be one yard either way from the bag. Rusher has right of way lane one yard on either side of the centre. Centre or receivers can't interfere or cross rushers' right-of-way lane. The rusher's feet have to be behind the rushing bean bag or it is offside.  If a rusher jumps offside the official will throw the flag but not blow the play dead. The play will continue and the offence has the option of taking the play or a 5-yard penalty and redoing the down. Offensive offsides are blown dead. 

2. You can have multiple rushers but they have to start 5 yards from the line of scrimmage or wait until the rusher passes the line of scrimmage before rushing. Once the QB hands the football to any offensive player then all defenders can cross the line of scrimmage.

Teams are allowed to double-rush but both have to be one yard from the been bag and not interfere with the Centre release.



1. Fumbles are dead at the point of contact on the field or the last offensive player to touch it (safety rule).

2. Snaps to the quarterback is allowed to bounce to a quarterback but if they touch it and it hits the turf again it is a dead ball on contact with the turf. Punts or kickoffs can bounce but once the ball touches a player and then the turf it is dead. If it is forward lateral, it is the point of contact from the person behind who last touched the ball. If a ball is snapped over the quarterback's head, the QB can pick it up and make a play. The defensive player can down the football if he gets to it first but cannot have contact with the offensive player in pursuit of the ball. If a ball is snapped through the end zone it will be a safety.

3. All fumbles are dead. Once a player touches a ball and loses control and it hits the turf, it is a dead ball. A bouncing ball on a snap or kick-off is not dead and a player can pick it up.

4. Fumbles are spotted dead from the point of contact of the offensive or receiving teams' last touch and not where the ball ends up.



1. Unintentional blocking of the flag is a dead ball at infraction.

2. Intentional blocking of the flag is a loss of down and 10 yd penalty. (This has to be an obvious attempt to block the flagger from pulling the flag).

3. Jumping to avoid a flag is not allowed and blown dead at the point of infraction. It has to be an obvious jump with both feet clearly leaving the ground. Jumping is a 5-yard penalty and a loss of down.

4. Intentionally blocking the flag penalty is a 10-yard penalty. Also loss of down.



1. No blocking or intentional contact. Once the receiving team has possession of the football, the offensive players cannot interfere with the defensive players' attempt at flagging the ball carrier. Offensive players have to remain still or they can run behind the ball carrier to receive a pitch.

1.1 Offensive players that unintentionally block the defensive players will be given a penalty of loss of down and dead ball at the point of infraction.

1.2 Offensive players that intentionally block the defensive players (this needs to be an obvious attempt to block a defensive player) will be given a 10-yard penalty with a loss of down and dead of point of infraction.

This could result in a loss of possession for the offence on a fourth-down attempt if, after the penalty, the first down isn’t achieved.

2. Charging by the offence. The defensive player has right of way, offensive player has to run around the defender. There is no intentional contact, no press coverage, no straight arms, and no blocking. Unintentional charging-dead at point of contact. Intentional (unnecessary roughness) 10-yard penalty and loss of down.

3. Rusher cannot cross pattern of centre/ snapper - snapper/centre cannot run pattern in front of rusher. The rusher has a one-yard lane ( from centre) free zone to rush the QB and cannot be cut off by receivers. Rusher interference is a 5-yard penalty against the defence and a replay of the down.

4. The defensive player has right of way but has to be in control while flagging and it is the refs discretion if he is overly physical. Roughing on the defender is 10 yards and repeat down.


1. 3 players must be on the line of scrimmage, any other players can be in motion as long as a player doesn't cross the line of scrimmage before the ball is snapped.

2. No direct under-centre snaps, all offences must start from the shotgun formation. Must be minimum of 3 yards.

3. Players cannot dive to advance the ball, diving is a 5 yard penalty and loss of down.

4. Once an offensive player is flagged the ball is marked where the player had the football.



1. A player cannot knock the ball out of an offensive player's hands once a player has possession of the football. The defensive player has to go for the flag. A defensive player can knock the ball from a player in the act of catching a pass but once they have possession, they have to go for the flag. 10-yard penalty, repeat down. Rushers can attempt to knock down a QB’s throw but they have to be under control and if they make any contact with the QB with forward movement it is a 10-yard penalty and a repeat of the down.

2. Defensive holding (has to be a prolonged hold to stop the momentum of the offensive player) or pushing a player out of bounds is a 10-yard penalty and automatic first down.

Thank you, we hope these help you enjoy the season!


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